Sinners who art on earth, behold the masterpiece of horror! I can’t resist to make a philosophical reading of the film, helped on by Foucault. If the most evident level of dread stems from the possession of a sweet young girl by an ancient demon, another less obvious layer is much more significant. The movie starts by showing the child as bright, blooming, active - at most shaken up by her parents' recent divorce. As the doctors get more and more hold of her, kicking off with medication then moving forward with invasive, shocking tests & treatments, she gradually loses her self. As such, it's the cold, instrumental, dehumanizing gaze of the medical institution that is the most terrifying.
才看了第一集已经惊喜不已maybe这种故事更适合我这种老派人的英雄浪漫主义审美一集看尽骑马抓鱼直升机枪战沧海 小说这种用legend of the fall, big river这类表现形式内涵则是god father电影怎能让人不激动某种程度上也可以说是一个montana版本的succession只是相比之下利欲熏心的纽约财团继承故事一点没有吸引力争权夺利好歹也给搭配点这种大自然的风景吧等空下来看binge watch一番深爱的Montana godfather